The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Haiku, American Style!

I recently and completely by accident created a form of haiku that speaks only about workplace behavior. I hope to do to haikus what Scott Adams did to cartoons...that is make them torturously abstract and condescending.

To that end I unleash upon the unsuspecting world cubicle haikus, or CUBIKUS!

Meetings are a chance
For lonely execs to waste
The time of their staff

Make a decision
I don't even care which one
Make one already

Redundant. Also
Superfluous and a scosh
Repetitive too

Your small ideas
Are nothing when compared to
My master's degree

Your stupidity
Does not make me want to
Work any harder

Work, break, work, lunch, work.
Wash, rinse, repeat forever.
Drive home. Lay down. Die.

I am almost done.
Project is coming along
More rewrites Judy?

Achieving nothing.
Dig a hole then fill it in.
Collect a paycheck.

Choking back my rage.
Incompetants all around.
Middle management.

Here are some from my friend Shelia....

Workday has ended
It never comes soon enough
Tomorrow's too soon

Don't think for yourself!
Be a good corporate clone.
Sit. Lay down. Beg. Heel.

System's not working.
Information out of date.
We're state of the art.

Herculean tasks
for such a little paycheck?
Why do I bother?

Do this, then do that.
Then find out that both were wrong.
Incompetance rules.

Co-workers talking
Irritatingly stupid.
Wish I'd brought a gun.

Repetitive work
Numbs my brain and will to live.
Repeating again.

Take THAT Dilbert! I've made hating your job fun again!

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