The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

What Kinda Power?

I was at a bar last night with Jen and they had several TVs on at once as well as some REALLY loud music. The result was that we could WATCH tv but we could not HEAR tv. And not having any tv reception at home I was just mesmerizesd by the moving picture box. But one commercial caught my attention in particular. It started with a disclaimer in small white letters buried in the bottom of the screen stating "not a gambling site." Well that piqued my attention because the whole commercial was visuals of people playing poker on the beach. Beautiful people in a beautiful setting laughing and having a good time...playing poker. Then the logo came on the screen: POKERPOWER.NET. I tried to look up the web site but it would not load. So here's my quandary, if that's not a site about gambling then I have to assume that POKER is code for something else. And if it is a code, then is the poker power product legal in Alamaba?

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