The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

I'll See You On The Other Side!

April 5, 2006 we lost a valued member of the family. He went suddenly and did not suffer. There was no autopsy to speak of, but we assumed that it was a pretty spontaneous and anomalous occurrence. I mean, that's probably just me trying to put a brave face on it, right? I have to believe that it was a totally random event or else the world would be to bleak to contemplate I guess. Anyway, it turns out that this death wasn't a total fluke that we thought it was. In fact, it runs in the family. I know because this very morning we buried his son, Junior.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, but we all need to face this together. WAKE UP AND START LIVING! Life is precious so you need to value your time with them when you can get it because you never know. You just never know. You can never tell when your iPod is going to crash...or when the replacement iPod is ALSO going to crash! So you need to enjoy every note of every song because you never know when they'll be gone forever. Take it from me. I know, because I didn't do that with the Pea Pod or Pea Pod, Jr. But I'm not making that mistake with P. Poddington, III. He will be cherished.

And Junior? Goodnight sweet prince. May a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest!

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2 Responses to “I'll See You On The Other Side!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Dude... get a "Creative" device. They rock. I don't even have one, but Sam does and he [hearts] it very much.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You're an ass...  

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