From the Internet Movie Database news:
"Britney Spears is "on the verge of a nervous breakdown" a tattooist who witnessed her shocking Friday makeover maintains. The singer and mother of two stunned fans and paparazzi photographers when she walked into a hairdressing salon in Los Angeles and asked a stylist to cut all her hair off. When the hairdresser refused, Spears grabbed some clippers, and can be seen in snaps shearing herself bald. The 25-year-old was then followed as she drove to a tattoo parlor and had two images etched; a pair of bright red lips on her wrist and a black, white and pink cross on her lower hip. Tattooist Emily Wynne-Hughes, who was in the shop, now fears the drastic new look is a stark warning of Spears' emotional instability. She says, "After (Britney) left, we said to each other, 'We just saw a huge celebrity on the verge of a nervous breakdown.' She seemed really distraught and disturbed. She was very scatterbrained. It was crazy, very surreal. She's definitely crying out." Unconfirmed press reports claim the singer was later spotted wearing a dark wig at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, where she briefly spoke to staff in a private room."
Dear Ms. Wynne-Hughes,
I realize as a person who works in tattoos that you might not be familiar with Britney's oeuvre, and that's ok. God knows I wish I wasn't familiar with it. I think my world would be a better place if I'd never seen her skanking around in that Catholic schoolgirl outfit. However, the damage is already done and, for better or worse, she is in my consciousness. And while I respect your opinion, I have to tell you that her being "disturbed" and "scatterbrained" is as far from news as the fact that the day follows night. I mean, she married Kevin Federline for Christ's sake! If that wasn't a desperate cry for attention, I don't know what was! So in summation, there is a reason that Condi Rice is hosting the middle east summit and not Brit...and it's not just the haircut!
Some Jerk
Labels: Britney Spears
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