The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.


I was walking to the train the route I always take. I turned right onto Troy Street headed toward Wilson Avenue. I had my iPod on and wasn't paying that much attention to my surroundings until I saw something our of the corner of my eye. (I would have used my whole eye, but between the ice and the dog crap I could only spare the corner.) I saw some motion and turned to pay it a little more attention. (Not my full attention because of the aforementioned ice and dog crap.)

I didn't see everything, but here is what I deduced had happened on the front porch of the house I was passing: The little old guy takes a quick look out the window and doesn't see anyone, he makes a mad dash outside (it's 16 degrees Fahrenheit here), sees me, gets spooked, grabs his paper and runs back inside as fast as his little old man legs will carry him.

This is however, just a deduction. I'm not certain of what happened because I only became aware of the old man's presence as he was headed back to the house with his paper. And I only remember that because he was not wearing shoes to go out and get the paper. In fairness, it would have looked kind of silly if he was wearing his shoes considering the fact that he had no pants on. But having no pants on was ok too because he was just wearing that little under shirt and pants would have made him feel naked from the waist up. No, better to go out in just your undershirt and underwear to grab the paper.

For those of you who were interested (and I don't even want to know who that might be) they were tighty whiteys...although they were neither tight nor particularly white anymore.

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