The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

A Weighty Situation

The other day I was at the gym and I decided to weigh myself. We don't have a scale at home so I only have a rough idea of what I weigh. Weighing myself is not normally something I do in public, but I decided that I needed to know the damage and I'll tell you why: that damned treadmill is nosy. When you get on the tread mill it asks you your age and weight. That irritated me when I first started going there. I mean, I fully expected it to start talking about politics and religion next. But I guess it needs the information to decide how much strain it can put on old fat people. Anyway, when I weighed myself the other day I realized that I had been under-reporting my weight to the treadmill by a full 7 pounds. I account for this error by telling myself that muscle weighs more than fat and since going to the gym I had now gained seven pounds pure muscle. (This is one of several lies my world is based around, like: this train is perfectly hygienic, dry cleaning is possible and cats DON'T want my eyes.) But now I feel bad because I lied to the treadmill.

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2 Responses to “A Weighty Situation”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    i "heart" you!  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You have a secret admirer.

    I was going to say something about your world of lies... but I got distracted.  

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