Press Release: Local Writer Declares Intent
0 Comments Published by Chris on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at 1:58 PM.

Ok, I know my postings have been VERY infrequent as of late and I feel like I owe my regular readers (both of you!) an explanation.
Before we begin, does everyone remember this video:
Well, I was so smitten with it I decided to do a little research into it. The more I looked into this story the funnier it became to me. I was retelling the story to everyone I knew and they were all just as baffled and amused by it as I was. So in the past few weeks, I have been hard at work doing research about the exploding whale and related mysteries. (Yes mom, THIS is what I'm doing with my college degree!) I've read a couple of great books (this one and this one) and hit the jackpot for exploding whale information at the aptly named Exploding Whale website. I have also lined up several interviews with key players in the story.
Why am I doing this you ask? (Again, I'm looking at YOU mom!) Because I believe that this would be the PERFECT one man show! And why am I telling you that? Probably out of spite. (That was just for mom too...hmmmm. Maybe that spite sentence should have been parenthetical too? Or at least said in the confines of my therapists office. The world may never know.) No. The reason I am telling you this is so that I will actually follow through on it.
See, for those of you who don't know me well...congratulations. I'm sure your lives are richer for it. But then you do not know of my storied procrastination. I feel that the best time to do anything is tomorrow, or possibly the day after if it can be put off even longer. I hate deadlines. When I worked at the Boone News Republican (All the news and STOCK CAR RACE WINNERS TOO!) I would purposely put off writing the magistrate listing until the morning they were due just to make the editor nuts. It's pathological. In fact the only reason this blog post is so long is because I'm actively trying to get out of doing laundry.
Anyway, I only tell you this so that I have got something in writing that I can be held accountable to. Don't let me down people! Let the nagging begin!
Labels: Explosions, One Man Show, Whales, Writing, YouTube
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