The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

News Round-Up, December 1, 2006

All is not right in the land of the House that Mouse built. The top three headlines from the Orlando Sentinel:
SeaWorld to Investigate Whale Attack
Teen is Killed When SUV Strikes Bicycle
Girl Killed After ATV Collides With Cow

The ATV story is especially perplexing because the police intend to not only investigate the crash but to actually reenact it as well. That is going to confuse the hell out of that cow.

Scientists Identify Part of Hummingbirds Tiny Bird Brain That Helps it Hover, Science Daily.

Tiny bird brain? Was that really necessary? That's just petty. You know what that says to me about the author of that story? Jealous, jealous, jealous! I'm sure he's at some geek bar somewhere drowning his sorrows and screaming to people who are in line for the bathroom, "Yeah? Well if that hummingbird's so damned smart then let's see him write a story for the Science Daily!"

Harry Shearer has a new book out right now and he is flogging it in every possible venue. And I mean EVERY venue. At least that's what I took away from his interview with Psychology Today.

Harry Shearer Not Just Entertainment

That was the title that appeared on my homepage RSS reader, Not Just Entertainment. But after reading the article it a more appropriate title would have been Not Even Entertainment.

And from the "News Frat Boys Can Use" file ABC News brings us: Condoms Can Be Fun, Too.

A study in the UK journal The Lancet has found that promotion of the fun and sexual aspects of condom usage is more effective in getting people to use condoms. More effective than the previous campaigns that featured such slogans as "Every Time You Have Unprotected Sex God Kills a Puppy," "Use It Or Your Penis Will Fall Off," and "As Long as You're Whoring, Be Safe!"

According to the New Zealand Herald, looking like a trend-following troglodyte is not the biggest problem with tattoos anymore.

Man Contracts Flesh Eating Disease From a Tattoo

This is my favorite line from the whole article: "Dr (Margot) McLean says officials will work with the tattooist to improve his standards of infection control." In the interest of repeat business the tattoo artist believes it to be beneficial that his clients continue to have skin.

Can't Remember What You Just Read? Take a Nap...from ohhhh...some dumb magazine of other. I can't remember.

I need a nap.


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