The Intelligence Estimate

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Do They Get Irony Where You're From?

Does anyone out there watch The Girls Next Door? For the uninitiated this is a "reality" show that follows Hugh Hefner's three girlfriends around the Playboy Mansion as they have naked pillow fights and swim laps in soft-focus, slow motion. It makes Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader: Making the Team looking like The Waltons. It's basically porn for people who don't want to pay for the cable upgrade.

Here's a sample of the snappy dialogue you'll find on The Girls Next Door. This is from an episode that takes place during preparations for Hugh's 80th birthday party. This is a quote from one of Hef's THREE girlfriends (Holly Madison) speaking about the movie Casablanca: "I like the movie, but I don't like the love story. I mean, come on. The girl is in love with TWO people? That's not very believable. You either love someone or you don't."

Yeah "greatest love story of all time", get you act together! A Playboy centerfold is holding court on what love means! (My guess is that it means making oatmeal, ordering Viagra by the truckload and screwing your way into the old man's will.)

In her defense, I think her confusion centers around the fact that there are only TWO people that Ilsa loves. If they could have had a foursome with Claude Rains then the whole thing would have made sense.

1 Responses to “Do They Get Irony Where You're From?”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You totally misquoted her, by the way. Other than that, fair enough, but I am a big fan of Holly and she is really in love with the old man. She came into the relationship expecting other girls, but that doesn't mean her wish isn't to have him all to herself, but this is the only way for now. I think before you throw judgment on someone because of how they live their life, you can realize that they actually are human beings with real emotions! Even love! Yes, hard to believe isn't it?
    If you actually watched the show, you'd have more of an understanding of the girls and take them more seriously, instead of providing false quotes to back up a stupid point we've heard countless times.  

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