The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Spam Folder Poetry

Well, you knew it had to happen. Like 1000 monkeys at 1000 typewriters, my spam folder has finally produced Shakespeare...sort of. Actually I think they're just like 7 or 8 monekys short of Shakespeare, but it's exciting all the same.

"rattling talk was no unpleasing variety to Othello, who was himself of soon fell into a slumber the effect of her troubled spirits, when courtesy, than strength could succeed in forcing it, from such a one Leo line. Why would she have me killed said Marina now, as I can. He did as great Circe had appointed. He raised his mast, and hoisted for truth. His son, whose eye Ulysses had put out, set the 's heart on fire might be deceived in his belief that these oxen had any sacred"

Just a few more monkeys!


1 Responses to “Spam Folder Poetry”

  1. # Blogger Meredith

    Fascinating! I've never heard of spam folder poetry.  

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