The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.


Hey there. Me again. Long time no...uh...nothing. Here's the skinny on my end: I've been knee deep in exploding whale show stuff. The latest is that I will be premiering the piece at the Iowa Fringe Festival July 19th-22nd in Des Moines. It seems like the right place and time. I've been involved in the Iowa Fringe Festival for the past two years with my sketch and improv troupe back in Iowa called The Brink. This year they're not performing, so it seems like natural decision to slip the whale show in there. I'm also working on getting a web site for that show up and running. I'll let you know more about that as it gets completed. I imagine it will also be linked to this blog so you should be able to find it that way too.

As if preparing all that is not not enough, I am also directing a piece starring my wife (you don't want to know what she had to do to get the part!) and a great actress we know back in Des Moines. The show is called David's Redhaired Death and it's a great script. And with two actresses of their caliber, all I really have to do is turn on the lights and show up to take credit. So I'm looking forward to that.

In support of those two shows I was contacted by a reporter at a newspaper I used to work for back in Iowa. I'll link to that when the article is published. But I can tell you it was weird to be on the business end of an interviews for that paper. I can't wait to see what she writes.

More later.

Thanks for reading.


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