The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.


I was always told that if you have trouble finding a topic to write about you should just start writing in a stream of consciousness-manner and eventually the topic will emerge from the dark recesses of your mind. Well, in an attempt to flesh out today's topic, I tried this. And you know where I ended up? In a story about dead cats. See, sometimes the stream of consciousness needs to be damned up in order for the new saw mill of thoughtfulness to start churning out writings worth reading. (Or at least metaphors worth mangling!) So in the grand tradition of playground kickballers everywhere this blog entry is a do-over.

I just started a new job so I have many new people to meet. Today I sat next to our IT person (John) for a few hours as he installed a new operating system onto my boss' PC. In the course of those hours I found out that he was leaving a little early today to go pick up the ring him and his fiance (Lori) had picked out. They had found a great bargain at Zales. And you know what John was going to do with the money he saved? He was going to buy a replica of the WWF Inter-Continental Championship belt. That reminded me of my friend Joanne's wedding. Joanne and her husband (who, for reason's I'd rather not speculate on, chose to be called Beanie) met in college and they were both proud alums. So when it came time for the recessional music to play at their wedding, instead of a hymn, they played the college fight song. My girlfriend at the time leaned over to me and said, "How appropriate to start off your married life with a FIGHT song!" In my estimation John is going Beanie one better. He is preparing for the 9 round steel-cage death match of love that is married life. I wish him the best and I hope that Lori is not one who is easily brusied.

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