The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Blocking Your View

Dad, my brother Dave, and Grandma Gummert

What is it about digital cameras that makes you think you need to have a photo of yourself with everyone you've ever known? Does anyone else remember when photos needed an occasion like a birthday or Christmas? Now it's become so easy to memorialize occasions that we routinely get photos of important things like our pets asleep and that one face that our friend makes when drinking hot coffee. It kinda make me long for the days of Matthew Brady. Days when you had to sit still for an hour to get one really stoic portrait.

Dave, Grandma Beenken and me

At least I'm not taking those hideous vacation photos where people stand in front of landmarks to prove they were there. They always just end up blocking half of it and I think, "I'm sure the Grand Canyon is back there somewhere."

But still, this photo is just of Grandma Been and Dave and I in a restaurant back home. No occasion whatsoever.

Me and my friend Jack pretending to be superheroes

This photo is just a chance for my friend Jack and I to act like asses. Now, in our defense, we don't need a camera in order to legitimize that activity. We would be doing it our wives will readily confirm.

Me and my niece Katie

This photo is pretty nice because it almost has a purpose. Everyone everywhere wants photos of babies, but my purpose in this photo is little more than to act as an easel to hold Katie into a viewable position. I am totally unnecessary. People will want to remember when Katie was 5 months old, but no one asks for photos of my 366th month. I guess I'm just hoping that I will look cute by association.

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