The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Jurassic Apartment

I haven't told anyone this. I was keeping it a secret. It was just going to be between me and my wife...and the neighbors. I wasn't lying to anyone. I just wasn't offering up the information of my own free will. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe. But that list has so many other entries I figure this one won't exactly tip the scales. But I can't keep this to myself any longer, the world must know my secret: The neighbors have dinosaurs.

Yeah, you read the right. Three dinosaurs. A Triceratops, a T-Rex and Pterodactyl. They probably have names, but I've never asked them because, well, they're dinosaurs. And toy dinosaurs at that. Every day they are in a different pose. Some days they are just hiding in the bushes. Some days they are actively attacking one another. Some days they work together on projects. One day I left the house to find that the Triceratops and T-Rex had caught Felix The Cat in his hot air balloon by snagging him in a tree as the Pterodactyl circled overhead. Everyday is a new diorama ding dong kind of treat over there. The dinosaurs even celebrate holidays. Here's what they did this week for Valentine's Day.

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