The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Don't Lose Your Head

These statues are downtown on Michigan Avenue. (I forget what store they're in front of but they're between 600 North Michigan and the Watertower.) Probably a hold over from the Christmas season and an unintentional comment on the mental capacity of the sheep that crowd the stores down there to find the latest styles so they can stand out by looking just like everyone else. Anyway, it reminded me of a song I started writing one day after work when I couldn't get around a tour group that was meandering along Belmont at an all too leisurely pace. I don't know if I'll ever finish the song, but I thought the words fit nicely with these images.

"Fat suburban asses clog the bar
Like the fat that clogs their poisoned hearts
Tourists in town to see the sights
Ignorance on the left where nothing's right

I don't care if you know where you're going
But don't stop moving cause the crowd keeps growing
Take pictures on your own time
Right now I'm racing to the red line

Tell me again how it's all so novel
Tell me again how none of us care
Tell me again how you love your duplex
Tell me again why you aren't there

Hell is other people
Hell is coming true
Hell is overflowing
Hell is you"

1 Responses to “Don't Lose Your Head”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "Hell is other people"
    Ooooh... You're SO Sartre.

    And those bubble heads are damn creepy.  

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