The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Love Story, Minus the Love

So I was doing laundry on Sunday, right? (Just say "Yes.") I went into the laundry room and found that someone had left their clothes on top of the dryer. Or, more precisely, someone forgot to get their clothes out of the drier and the next person to use the drier took the clothes out and put them on top of the drier. Well, as I was moving the clothes I found this shirt...

Classy, no? This guy should just be happy that the courts allow him within 1000 yards of women, let alone conjugal visits. But it made me think back to earlier in the day when I found this in the courtyard of the apartment building....

Now, you don't need a degree in criminology to figure out what happened here. And I have to assume that the guy is laying in that position because the (now ex-) girlfriend did to him what she always meant to do to the boyfriend. Namely, permanently kept him from procreating. And good for her, I thought. But I was pissed that the idiot boyfriend, in his grief, couldn't be bothered to remember to take his clothes out of the drier or at least put them out of the way. So I went upstairs and told my wife what happened. (A brilliant presentation complete with pictures!)

We decided that the boob got what he deserved and that being distraught over losing a girl who was obviously too good for you (pond scum is too good for this moron!) is no excuse for forgetting the simple courtesies of the laundry room. Our solution was to post the shirt in the laundry room with the following modification....

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