The other day at work we were made to go to diversity training at a nice Italian restaurant near work. A few days later, my boss puzzled at why no one (myself, Ryan or Kevin) had written a blog mocking diversity training. I told her that it was because diversity is a valuable part of any work place. A person who would mock that cornerstone of teamwork clearly has just confused his ego function with his role function. Anyone who would do that needs, not your scorn, but your understanding. They need someone to play angel's advocate with their opinions to truly understand what their mocking is all about. Or something. I don't know. Whatever.
That being said, here's a list of priceless information I learned from Diversity Dave:
1) Rebecca hates being called Becky...therefore from today onward she will be called ONLY Becky. (Her real mistake is letting us know where her buttons are. That just makes them easier to push!)
3) It is sometimes very hard to distinguish between the scents of certain markers. Who knew watermelon smelled so much like strawberry?
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