The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.


I worked at two different newspapers so I know how boring a job news gathering can be. That is why I was not surprised to learn from our editor that one of the "fun" things that people do when laying out pages is to put ironic things next to one another to create "theme pages." The example he gave was a headline about a Chinese restaurant being closed down right next to an ad for the local dog pound. Or a story about an arrested pedophile next to an ad for the local preschool. Something like that.

Here is the information age equivalent:

The lead story (arrow #1) is a about a Palestinian protest on a Gaza beach. The Palestinians are protesting an attack on the beach launched by the Israelis from a navy gunboat. (full story)

The ad in the right-hand column (arrow #2) is for a DVD on "How To Get Started Boating."

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