The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

British Invasion

Today I woke up with Mean Mr. Mustard stuck in my head. Why do the Beatles keep doing this to me? Yesterday Maxwell's Silver Hammer, today Mean Mr. Mustard?! Why? This isn't the first time the British have invaded my head.

I recently got done listening to a series of podcasts by Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and their friend Karl Pilkington. They are hilarious. I downloaded both seasons and listened to all of the episodes in a period of about a week. The downside to that is that they pushed the rest of the Brits out of my head. I noticed this one day when someone around me mentioned Monty Python and The Holy Grail and I heard the lines in Ricky's voice talking to Stephen with the occasional interruption by Karl. Same thing with Fawlty Towers. (I believe Karl was Manuel.) I'm sure if I knew any speeches by Churchill they would have been done in Ricky's voice too.

But now, apparently, Ricky and company have been pushed out by the Fab Four. I recently purchased the Beatles Singles 1967-1970, loaded it on my iPod and listened to all my Beatles music one morning. In the span of about an hour and a half The Beatles beat up Ricky, Stephen and Karl...which is no small feat considering two of the Beatles are dead so technically they were outnumbered.

I hope to get this problem sorted out before Oasis comes along and vies for the top spot. I'm not sure I could stand the Gallagher brothers having an extended beer-fueled art-brawl in my head. Pretentious twits!

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