The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Bargain Matinee INDEED!

Remember back to those heady times of...oh...a week ago, when I was updating you all on my hometown? Well, I had planned to talk about one other facet of the town but ran out of town. (I may discuss WHY I ran out of time in a subsequent blog, but I'm waiting to find out if anything comes of it first.)

This year I began a small, insignificant project. I started keeping track of the number of movies I watch. I know I see a lot of movies, but I wanted to keep a running tally so I would have an actual number to attach to it. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Being able to quantify it apparently is the second. Now that I've started counting I find the it has turned into a grail quest of sorts. (Forgive me, I just saw the Da Vinci Code last night. Here's my five letter review: sucks!) As of yesterday I've seen 80 movies this year. Well, when I was home I realized that this obsession with the moving picture shows all started at home at the Center Theater. (Incidentally the theater is about a block from EVERY craft store in town.)

Their website has a better history of the theater than I could ever provide, but I can tell you that when I was in elementary and middle school they had a big community-wide fund raising drive to remodel the theater and I became hooked on movies. They played first run movies, but they played them a few weeks after their prime. (does that technically make it a second run theater? I'm not sure.) And here's the deal: all movies are $.99. Not one dollar, no! $.99! They give you the penny back!

I saw a lot of movies there. I saw one of the Star Trek movies (the one where they go back in time to save the whale) like 7 times. I'm not proud of that fact, but it's true. And it was economical. Seeing that dreck seven times was still less expensive that seeing the Da Vinci Code ONCE! dark is the Khan of man.

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