The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

A One, A Two, A Three...

Sorry I've been so absent from blogging lately. I'm sure you've had a difficult time filling the empty hours of pointless reading without my ramblings to fill the void. I apologize. I've been working a lot lately. But now I'm on vacation...essentially. I am writing this from my mom's computer in the spare bedroom. That's right folks I'm in Iowa. I had a few days off and I decided to come home for mother's day and hang out here for awhile. So I'm sure I will have plenty of time to catch you up on all of the minutiae of my existence...since I ran out of things to do after I'd been here about an hour. So with out any further adieu, here is today's installment.


We won some tickets to see the Cubs play against the Padres on Saturday. The Padres played a hard 9 innings and the Cubs played 8.

First of all, if you get a chance to go to a game at Wrigley, I fully recommend getting there at least a half an hour before game play because this awaits you...

That's right, Dixieland Jazz: Chicago Cubs style! Which I can only assume means that these guys get 18 bars into a song and then just give up. That being said, those 18 bars are amazing. They are totally worth the price of admission...but since they stand outside the field before the games you don't even need to pay the price of admission! Best deal in all of baseball. It's not quite as good as getting to throw out the first pitch, but apparently they let just anyone do that now. Here is the first pitch....

Then they had someone come out and throw out another "first pitch."

Not to be out done, this yahoo got to throw out the "first pitch" as well.

I think they should just name the pitches more appropriately. Submitted for your approval: The First Pitch, The Anniversary of the First Pitch, and the Commemoration of the Anniversary of the First Pitch. Problem solved. You're welcome Major League Baseball.

The Cubs were ahead for the whole game until the top of the last inning when the Padres took over and won. The Cubs changed pitchers a few times in later innings and finally they let the lead slip. Maybe that's what the "first pitch" business is all about. They're actually scouting for new pitching talent.

"We're out of pitchers in the bullpen. Get Mary Reilly from section 116, row 11."

"But Dusty, she's been completely drunk since the third inning!"

"That still puts her ahead of half our pitching staff! She's our only hope!"

And they keep the band around to mourn their play with jazz funeral music. Ah, the world makes sense again.

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