I have never been a big lover of bumper stickers. I personally have never been driving behind someone and thought, "I wonder if their kid is an honor student? I wish they'd just tell me a little more about themselves. Who did you vote for? Do you prefer Ford or Chevy? Who would you like to have a cartoon character pissing on? What are you afraid of, OPEN UP TO ME!"
Well today I saw the best (and by best I mean WORST!) bumper sticker yet. It was on a black Dodge Dakota on Loyola Avenue at about 1p.m. today. It was a black sticker with white letters and a little cartoon gas pump. Next to the gas pump it said, "Powered By Gasoline."
Really? Gas-o-line you say? These newfangled horseless carriages confuse and confound my already bedraggled mind. I have so much to learn. Please, explain to me this GAS-O-LINE of which you speak.
I guess I should thank them for explaining the internal combustion engine to me. It's only been around for a hundred years or so and a lot of the complexities of it were lost on me, the lowly pedestrian.
Gasoline. It runs on gasoline. Was there really a lot of confusion on that point? Well, just for the record, I wanna clear this up once and for all: the Dodge Dakota is not powered by pixie dust and happy thoughts.
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