The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Brave New World

Reloading songs onto my iPod has forced me to realize that a lot of songs have lazy rhyme schemes. For instance, how many times have you heard the word "dance" rhymed with the incredibly obvious "romance"? And romance is usually forced into the awkward coupling with the word "make," which has always seemed like shotgun marriage to me. Does anyone really MAKE romance? Have you ever been sitting alone watching tv as the clock struck 6 in the evening and thought, "time to make the romance?" No. It doesn't happen.

People in love make a lot of things (dinner reservations for that trendy little French place, disgusting nicknames for one another and their single friends angry) but romance isn't usually one of them. Romance needs to be experienced, not manufactured.

How much more exciting a world would it be if romance only rhymed with antidisestablishmentarianism? All of a sudden it turns Celine Dion into Rage Against the Machine! Whoa, that's a thought, huh? What brave new world is this that has such people in it?

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