The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Aisle 7, Pet Supplies

I was at Target tonight picking up a lamp that Jen and I had ordered but I decided to stroll around the place and see if there was anything I else I needed while I was there. For no good reason whatsoever I found myself in the pet supply aisle when I started to hear this beeping. I tried to follow it but it was difficult because of all the other customer traffic. The closer I got to the cause of the noise the more I realized that it was not a regular beeping but a highly erratic noise, like something being punished. And it was. I turned the corner and I saw a boy about 8 years old sitting on the bottom shelf of this big display of chew toys. He was the very picture of frustration as he sat there punching a toy fish that had a squeaker inside of it.

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