And They Were Visited by Three Wise Leprechauns...
1 Comments Published by Chris on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 8:53 AM.

I was riding a bus in a strange part of town last night and saw a nativity scene. The people in the scene were about two, two and a half feet tall. The stable where they were housed was about four feet by four feet so it was all very hard to miss. The thing that made it impossible to miss was the green christmas lights on it that formed a shamrock in front of Jesus. Before you go off thinking Christ isn't an Irish name, remember: when they moved to Chicago there was such an anti-Irish bias they changed it from Joseph H. O'Christ to the more popular Jesus Christ. Then they further covered their tracks by moving to the southside to fit in with the large Hispanic community. It's only now, around St Patrick's day (which, incidentally, is celebrated for a solid week in Chicago!) that the truth comes the form of historically accurate nativity scenes!