According to the Internet Movie Database, actress Michelle Williams is coming under fire for her role in Brokeback Mountain. She has been "disavowed" by her former school in San Diego, Santa Fe Christian School. The school's headmaster Jim Hopson found the movie "offensive" and was quoted by the San Diego Union Tribune as saying, "We don't want to have anything to do with her in relation to that movie. Michelle doesn't represent the values of this institution. Brokeback Mountain basically promotes a lifestyle we don't promote."
In fact they want so little to do with Michelle that they are talking to the local paper about how much they don't want to be associated with her. I guess they figured if they brought up the very little known fact that she attended school there then it would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they didn't want to be linked to her and, by association, to two straight men who pretended to be homosexuals on film. Good thinking.
I also take issue with the fact that they "don't promote" the homosexual lifestyle. Even the most cursory glance at the school's website ( will show you that the spring musical is "Hello Dolly!" Why not just get on the public address system at school and announce, "Calling all queens, calling all queens! The mothership has landed to take you back to the Planet Fabulous. Don't forget to pack your tiara?" It would be a so much more efficient witch hunt that way.
I may suggest that to Hopson. In fact, why don't you all go to the school's directory ( and find someone to e-mail suggestions/concerns/recipes to? And please CC me on those e-mails!
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