The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Star Search

A lady called into work the other day and talked to Will. Apparently she fancied herself a comedian. When he asked her if she wanted tickets to Friday or Saturday night she replied, "Yes."

"For Friday or Saturday?


"Is that a 'yes' for Friday or for Saturday?"

"Oh, Saturday of course."

"Of course."

She keeps this up for the whole conversation. One annoying answer after another. She just waits like she's pausing for the laugh track of her life to catch up to the speed of her rapier wit. Just silence from Will.

Eventually the conversation grinds to a halt, tickets are purchased and Will is momentarily freed from the tyranny of her imposed hilarity. Then the woman calls back and, as luck would have it, Will answers the phone.

"I'd like to speak to a manager."

Will, never passing up a chance to play devil's advocate, says, 'Absolutely, may I inquire what this is concerning?"

" office. Management please."

Well, we later found out that she called to complain about Will. Not about the service he provided, "He was very professional and courteous and all", but about Will personally.

"I was telling jokes, but he wasn't laughing."

Telling jokes? Oh, I see the problem. Will had confused your "humor" for a malicious waste of his time. Now, I don't want to brag, but I was voted the funniest person in Iowa in 1998 (which is another blog entirely) so I know a little something about humor. First of all, it's bad form to blame the audience for your jokes not going over well. It's a poor carpenter who blames his tool, a poor comedian who blames the audience and a poor patron who blames the ticket seller. Really, don't blame the victim. If you push someone down the stairs, don't blame them for being clumsy.

Secondly, know your audience. You could not have known that Will would not find your foolishness funny, but after the first 17 or 18 times, you should have caught on. Cut your losses and shut up. If you still insist on being a dumbass, try the box office over at "Wicked." I hear they take more kindly to your kind of jack-assery over there.

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