The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Exercising Futility

I went for a walk today on an outdoor track at Loyola and there were three guys playing the most ridiculous non-sport on the infield: Frisbee. Frisbee is such an academic waste of time. I think it was invented by an aeronautical engineer who grew bored of his mobile and his Newton's Cradle and craved more "danger" because it consists of nothing more than watching the disk fly at your head for extended periods of time. And if you can't enjoy the science behind the flight I see no other reason to "participate." Often times the Frisbee just veers left at the last minute for no apparent reason, so it's not like these guys were even playing catch. I watched these guys for the better part of a half an hour and I think they caught it a total of three times. So the basic gist of the "game" as I understand it is "" No thank you. If I need that kind of frustration I will do the sudoku.

1 Responses to “Exercising Futility”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Frisbee hater!

    Maybe you're just no good.
    Can you hackysack?  

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