The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

I recently embedded code into my blog site that gives me all kinds of useful statistics on who is looking at my writing. It's called StatCounter. One of the useful stats that provide is a list of how people wound up here. Exactly ONE person pulled up my blog (this entry in particular) because they entered this search term into Google: "Why won't my partner take my advice?"

My arm-chair analysis of this situation is that your partner won't take your advice because...ummm...I don't know...BECAUSE YOU'RE TRYING TO FORCE IT ON THEM?! Honestly, who goes to the internet to find out why your partner is not taking your brilliant advice? No one ever says, "Well, I can't be crazy. The internet agrees with me." And when has the internet ever lied to anyone?

And what makes you think that your advice is so great anyway? Maybe no one takes your advice because it's horrible!

"No, Glen told me I didn't have to wait to swim after I ate!"

"No, Glen told me that I could renovate my rental apartment."

"No, Glen told me that restraining orders are just a suggestion."

More importantly, if you are of the mindset that a blog will contain the answers to all the problems of your life, you are sorely mistaken on the subject of blogging. People don't blog because they have all the answers. They do it because they think they have all the problems. And that, my friends, is entertainment. My pain; tragedy. Your pain; comedy.

1 Responses to “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Wait.... so you're saying this blog *won't* help me understand why my partner won't take my advice?!?

    Um, that's crap.

    I signed up for answers, damnit!

    Have a lovely day. Ahem.  

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