The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Death To The Ironic Tee-Shirt!

Look out bumper stickers, now there's something stupider!

If I never see words on a tee-shirt again it will be too soon.

I saw a girl the other day (a girl who was barely 13 mind you) that had the words "These Are My All Access Pass" emblazoned across her "chest." I gotta assume that the girl has pretty much given up on any kind of education at that point. No use for geography when whoring is what's gonna put food on the table. Girl got to get PAID! She got bills, yo. Those ointments ain't gonna pay for themselves.

Ahhhhhh... ironic tee-shirts! They're all so damned witty. Beauties such as "OB/GYN Kenobi" (Welcome to 1977, will you be staying long?) and "This Shirt Deliberately Left Blank" (I get it, it's funny cuz it's NOT blank! Irony's a tricky bastard!) and "I'm Hungry For Turkey" with a map of the country of Turkey. (See Skankorella? That's where your geography comes in!)

It's like there is a frat party going on at Hanes or something. Enough already. Have some coffee! Sober up and get those 6 year old Indonesian girls back to making nice button down Oxfords like they used to do when they were young! What do we pay you four cents a week for?!

2 Responses to “Death To The Ironic Tee-Shirt!”

  1. # Blogger Sheri

    I am enjoying your blog. Check mine out.  

  2. # Blogger kb

    i've seen two kids (maybe 15 or 16 years old) in the past month with the shirt "rehab is for quitters". ahhh... prophetic.  

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