The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

The People In Your Neighborhood

I was driving through Gary, Indiana yesterday when I noticed something weird...something other than the fact that people live in Gary, Indiana. The Gary Police Department has improved upon previous policing methods by allowing the public to do their job for them. Along the interstate there is a sign for a wanted criminal replete with picture and physical description. I'd like to have been at that City Council meeting. "Why don't we try Craigslist? It worked really well for that couch we were trying to get rid of at city hall."

Let's hope the Gary Fire Department doesn't take the same Do It Yourself approach to their job.

(I don't know how long the web site will reflect this, but when I posted this the Gary Police Department link was to a page that was "currently under construction." Apparently they can't be bothered to finish their own website either. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before THAT job is listed on a billboard too.)

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