The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

To The Man In The Car Behind Me

I'm so sorry that I have delayed you. I know I can never be excused for impeding your progress. Please extend my apologies to your family, friends, and any organ donation recipients I may have kept you from.

Please let me explain. First off, I was lost. Secondly, the automatic toll collector was not recognizing that I had put in my 30 cents. Thirdly, this was the second time I had fed the toll collector and it still refused to accept my money. Problems were mounting.

Still, my little pile of misfortunes must be nothing compared to the stress of being momentarily delayed for literally dozens of seconds while I fished for more coins. I don't mean to compare our situations for that would just be adding insult to your already grave injury. How was I to know that my stopping of your forward momentum was going to cause your children to flunk out of parochial school while simultaneously ripping open the ozone layer and collecting small puppies to use as kindling in my spotted owl BBQ?! Truth be told, I could not know. Luckily
you were there with some kind words to point me in the right direction. And for that I thank you kind traveller.

You are truly a credit to humanity and I hope whoever you were travelling to is as appreciative of your generosity of spirit as I am.

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