The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Contraction Negotiations

Jen started having contractions today around 2 p.m. Right now (approximately 11:30 p.m.) we're just waiting around for the pain to become unbearable and then we will be going to the hospital.

That's a really odd sentence to have to write. We're just waiting for Jen's pain to become unbearable. It seems like all the bench marks at this point of the game are bizarre, painful, disgusting or some combination of all three. Jen passed her mucus plug. (Bizarre and disgusting) Jen told me that diarrhea is a good sign of the onset of labor. (Bizarre, disgusting and potentially painful) And now we are waiting for the contractions to become unbearable (Painful.)

I am doing the only thing I am qualified to do...nothing.

More as the situation warrants.

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