I've been tagged by Laurie for this "Best Of" meme, which doesn't even sound like words when you say them aloud, but the basic gist of it is this: here's ten blog entries of mine that make me giggle.
On The Fringe of Reality A very recent entry on the pure folly that makes me think that people will listen when I'm speaking.
To Russia With Love An oldie revisited, revisited. If this doesn't thaw icy diplomatic relations I don't know what will.
Pharaoh, Let My Sperm GO! Overbearing parents kill a child's sex life. Then, when the child has actually been killed, they pimp him out to anyone they can find.
TransAmerican Bambi Calling this story "news of the weird" would be an insult to news and weird things alike. A seven-legged, transgendered deer is killed in Wisconsin. In Wisconsin that's just another Thursday.
Law & Order, Pakistan Precinct 12 And you think cab drivers in America are horrible?!
Dr. Feelgood Losing your penis once is regrettable. Losing your penis twice is just careless.
A Love Story, Minus The Love Laundry with a dash of danger and spoonful of stupid.
An Open Letter to the Woman in the Station Wagon Sorry I ruined your life. Really, I am.
Brother Can You Spare...uhhh...About $400 We will never get divorced. We can't afford it.
I'm A 7 and 3/8ths Hat man! Da-da da-da da-da da-da, HAT MAN!
I choose to tag Will and Heather.
Meme Rules:
1. Please try to limit your post to 10 items or less
2. Tag 5
3. Take your time. Do some digging in the archives and find the perfect ones - it’s to your advantage more than anything else.
4. Please if possible, link to this post for meme info, and please link to the post that you were tagged in. Memes go on for quite a long time and when trying to follow one backwards to see some of the other posts, it gets quite difficult when only the blog URL is used.. Just a request.
5. The people you tag, please let them know by email, contact form or some other efficient method.
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Sweet of you to tag, but I don't read enough blogs to make a list. I mostly only read stuff from people I know, or art community stuffs.
I'm so boring.