I went to the opera on Wednesday with my friend Sarah who used to work there. Because of her ties to the opera, we went backstage briefly before the show so she could say hello to some friends of hers in the office. While they were all busy fawning over Sarah and how great she looks since she left there, I had plenty of time to soak in the bulletin boards in the offices.
Having been an office rat of one stripe or another for the bulk of my working career, I know that you can tell a lot about an organization by what they deem worthy of posting on public bulletin boards. Amongst the usual calendars, phone trees, memoes and birth announcements I found two quotes that say something unique about the opera. (I'm not sure WHAT it says, but I know it's unique!)
One was a quote that was on a sign over a small desk in an otherwise abandoned corner of the office. The quote seemed to be an answer of sorts. Like the outcome of several small phone skermishes. The sign said, "Would I work in the arts if I could do math?"
The other sign was on a larger bulletin board in a more well lit area of the room. This sign was under the heading of "Quotes from Season's Past." And the quote was "This rehearsal absolutely can not run any longer because I must get home and water my compost worms."
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