The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

The Rules

Ok, there clearly needs to be some ground rules placed on this before it gets out of hand. Now, to the uninitiated it looks like I've already gone back on my pledge to update this journal daily. Well, well, well, let me just refute that in the strongest possible terms: Nuh-uh! (Refute THAT if you possess the erudition!)

Anyway, I'm still up so I still consider it the matter WHAT reality says!

Ok, enough about you, let's talk about ME! I had a job interview today. It was for a part-time theater position. I don't want to say too much about it because I don't want to jinx it. But let me just say this, they are very cool and it would be great to work there. They just care about the right things and they put out a quality product. The people were VERY laid back and their dress code appears to be non-existant. Which is a departure for me. My last job had a schizophrenic and somewhat arbitrary dress code. Por examplo, you couldn't wear stripes. What? I thought that was just a "nice" way of telling us we were fat and need to stick to solid colors. The thing that bothered me the most about it was that it didn't apply to managers at all. So the people ENFORCING the dress code could come to work in a bed sheet, pasties and monocle and tell me to go home because my dress shirt had a pattern on it. It was like be stuck in one big Dilbert cartoon...except funny.

The other thing that was cool about the place that I interviewed today is that their offices have a very clubhouse sort of feel to them. It was like we were hanging out at the cool kids dorm rooms. Or, at least, that's how I imagine it would have felt like. I had a lot of engineering and computer science majors as friends in college. All I picked up by hanging out in their dorm rooms was an intimate knowledge of every person who has every been a member of King Crimson. But I digress.

These new people should be contacting me by the end of the week one and letting me know one way or the other. I'll keep you posted.

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