The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

You're Fired!

The "you" that heading refers to is not, in fact, me. Or you for that matter...unless you're my former boss Phil. And you're probably not. Very few people are. In fact MOST people aren't Phil. Seriously, look around. You see Phil? Didn't think so. And neither do we now.

Phil became former yesterday. It was a sneak attack. He didn't see it coming...which is a redundant way of say it was a sneak attack. We were all taken by surprise. Which is a repetitious way of saying he was taken by surprise.

I loved working for Phil. He was a lot of fun. More like a big brother than a boss. Very cool.

So besides the shock of being Phil-less, I have the added problem of having been his assistant. Which means that his job is, for the meantime, my job. The problem is Phil was such a fantastic bullshit umbrella that we had no idea how much he did on a regular basis and how musch non-sense he shielded us from. Well, we had a much better idea than the boobs that fired him. But, until he left, we didn't realize how much crap was heaped on his shoulders and how much he did routinely that was not a part of his job.

And he didn't know he was going to be fired! Which is a redundant way of saying he didn't see it coming and a repetitious way of saying we were all taken by surprise.

I miss Phil already. But I finally got my perscriptions the only thing i'm gonna be missing in a few hours is reality! Whoo-hoo! It's at times like this I think I should take up a hobby. Like competitive drinking. Or bowling for crack.

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