The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Street Performers

I moved to Chicago from Des Moines (Please stop, your pity is not necessary!) so I am continually amazed at the number of street performers here.

Walking to work on a Saturday I pass acrobats, a jazz band, a puppet show, balloon animal artists, one of those statue people (is standing still REALLY a talent?), a break dancer painted silver and a bagpiper in full Scottish regalia. Whenever I pass these people I can’t resist the urge to try to assemble them all into one long impromptu variety show.

Why doesn’t the jazz band play back up for the puppet show? The balloon animal people could decorate the statue lady. Standing still while having a life-sized Elmo balloon tied to your leg? THAT’S a talent! Acrobats, well…they’re just acrobats. You can’t really improve on those much, unless you involve fire in some capacity. (Note to self….) But the big final number would be the bagpiper break dancing number, or as I like to call it break piping!

It’s better than bag dancing. Well, less obscene anyway.

Yeah, I’m the Ziegfeld of street performers. If I can get the NEA involved there will be no stopping us!

1 Responses to “Street Performers”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Break Bagging?

    Dancing the Pipes?  

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