Robertson Questioned in Rehnquist Death
1 Comments Published by Chris on Sunday, September 04, 2005 at 4:43 Eric Blair
Televangelist Pat Robertson was issued a subpoena today asking him to appear before a hastily assembled grand jury on the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
Rehnquist, 80, passed away Saturday from complications of thyroid cancer. Most would call those natural, albeit regrettable, causes. However, Robertson's recent on-air request to have his followers pray for supreme court vacancies has some thinking he may have overstepped his bounds.
One such naysayer is attorney and activist Keith Christenson president of "Assassination Watch America" (AWA.) He maintains that, in his fervor to get judges to retire, Robertson may have gone a step further and asked for God to take Rehnquist's life.
"No one is saying that Robertson killed Rehnquist," Christenson said. "Just that he had him 'taken out.' Just like he wanted (Venezualan President Hugo) Chavez 'taken out.' "
Robertson has since apologized for his comments about Chavez noting that he never said he wanted Chavez assassinated, merely, "taken out." Robertson noted that "taken out" could mean many things that do not involve death, including kidnapping.
"Well clearly God doesn't kidnap people," Christenson said. "So what did Robertson mean if he wasn't asking for God to kill?" Robertson's legal representatives declined to comment on the subpoena. Robertson himself would only say, " I pray for the Rehnquist family and for the speedy appointment of a new justice."
President Bush, fresh off a 5 week vacation, praised Justice Rehnquist for his dedication to the job even noting how he still showed up after being diagnosed with cancer. Bush promised a new appointment before October.
"Our prayers are with the Rehnquist family tonight," Bush added.
Christenson, for one, is uneasy with all the prayers. "Haven't these people done enough to this family already?"
Oh, lucky you... you can purchase herbal remedies to cure the gout, rhumatisms and cancer of the hyumouress.
I pray you can find your way to the herbalist... ha, ha... I slay me.