The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

I-To-The MAX!

I showed up for work at 10 this morning only to realize that I wasn't supposed to be there until 1. I had time to kill. Someone suggested going to a movie. I love movies, so I decided to give it a go. Well, the only thing playing at that time of day was some Tom Hanks movie about the moon landings. It was playing a short walk from my work and it fit my schedule.

Well, it was in IMAX format and it was in 3-D. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but because it was a Friday morning there were a hoard of school groups there. YOUNG kids. And I don't know if you've ever seen a 3-D movie in the theater (I hadn't) but apparently the idea is to have SOMETHING, ANYTHING, fly out of the frame at the audience. Preferably every 30 seconds.

Have you ever heard 300 seven-year-olds scream in unison? I thought a pterodactyl was ripping the roof off the theater. My ears have JUST NOW stopped bleeding.

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