The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Hot Diggity Dawg!

I was at a theater tonight to see a movie. Before the feature there was an ad for the hot dogs that are available in the lobby. I noticed these hot dogs were from Nathan's.

For the uninitiated, every year on the 4th of July Nathan's has a hot dog eating contest at Coney Island in New York. And, well, if you didn't know about the hot dog eating contest, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you also didn't know that for many years the hot dog eating champion has been from an Asian country. I forget if it was China or Japan, but that really doesn't matter.

Here's my point: America is the fattest nation in the world and we can't even win a hot dog eating contest! Are we even trying anymore? We need to take the title back, and here's how: the competition will be open to the homeless.

I smell a victory...a victory with kecthup, saurkraut and sweet relish!

1 Responses to “Hot Diggity Dawg!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    What's my password?
    < nope >

    < nope >

    ... this is why I don't comment here... I can never remember that silly thing.  

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