You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have a sitcom
0 Comments Published by Chris on Sunday, October 09, 2005 at 11:42 PM.

Today was a mixed bag.
On the job front, I feel like I can finally talk a little more freely about what has been going on. I have been interviewing with The Blue Man Group. ( I interviewed for a ticket office position and a position called Lobby Jack Sub. If that last job looks like three random nouns that were thrown together by tossing a dictionary in a Cuisinart, you're not alone. They have their own language there. It's basically a lobby supervisor who has some limited run-crew duties as well.
Anyway, I love the organization. Everyone is VERY friendly and very laid back. It's a totally different atmosphere than I have ever encountered in a real, adult job. It always feels like the grown-ups are gonna come home and find us out. For instance, when I shadowed the regular Lobby Jack on Friday I was greeted in the green room by an excited Beagle named Wrigley. He was one of two full-time canines in the place. (There is a full time Sheltie named Lilo and a part-time French Bulldog named Otto.) It's just an incredible environment to be in.
Well, I got a phone call from the ticket office today and they offered me the position. Actually, they offered me MORE than I interviewed for. The position was supposed to be part-time seasonal, which means it would end on Jan. 8. But they liked me so much that they decided to drop the seasonal part and just hire me as a regular part-time employee.
Here's why that's both good and bad:
GOOD) I get to get out of this horrible, soul-sucking job I'm stuck in and into a great company that churns out a quality product.
BAD) The guy I leave behind in my stead is already doing 2 jobs at the theater!
His name is Tyler and he's getting screwed by the theater. Por examplo, on ordinary weeks when he has only about 30 hours of work, he'll only receive one paycheck despite the fact that he's doing three jobs for the company. Now that he's being worked to the bone (120 hours in 2 weeks!) he's getting 2 paychecks so that they can justify paying him less overtime. I think he'll explode if he has a 3rd job piled onto him.
Well, whatever. I'm really looking forward to giving my notice tomorrow.
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