The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

If You Can't Stand the Heat...

The last two days Chicago has been under a heat advisory. And while I hate the heat, I've always loved the advisories. Invariably they tell you that, with the humidity, the temperature will feel like it is above 100 degrees. Then they warn you to keep hydrated and to stay inside. This is advice that I do not need, but I appreciate having a licensed meteorologist legitimize my sloth.

"Oh, I'd love to come over and see your wedding pictures but I can't. Meteorologist's orders."

My favorite part is when they warn about how the heat might effect different demographic categories.

"The heat is especially hard on the very old and the very young." In Iowa they would always throw in "and cattle" into the warning too. Old people, young people and cattle. That's some pretty prestigious company, huh? Old people, young people and cattle. Basically, if you shit yourself, stay inside.

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