The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Sophia Jordan Gummert Hughes

Sophie was born on Friday, October 24, 2008 at 8:24a.m. She was 6 lbs. 11 oz and her length Honestly they didn't measure her right away and we didn't catch it when they did so we're not really sure. But it doesn't matter. It's a needless statistic. It won't effect the value of her rookie card.

Mom and baby are doing fine. Jen is AMAZING! More on that later. Here are some photos.


First photo. Taken minutes after she was born.


Jen did an amazing job. She is tough as nails that one!


Left to right: Nina (our nurse), Amy (our friend and birth coach), Jen (my hero), Linda (our midwife) and some sap holding a baby.




I'm watching you! Seriously, she sleeps with one eye open!

4 Responses to “Sophia Jordan Gummert Hughes”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Woot! Woot! Congratulations! I know you've waited a long time for this. How wonderful for the THREE of you. Give our best to mom and baby... and, ok, you can have some, too.


  2. # Blogger Sharon Thompson

    Congrats guys! I can't wait to meet the little angel! She's adorable. Jen, you did awesome - as if anyone expected anything different. And Chris, you were looking pretty well composed in the fared pretty well through labor! Hugs and kisses to all of you!  

  3. # Blogger Unknown

    Congrats!!!! She has your stare chris!!! LOL  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Congratulations. I was not aware that you guys (mostly Jen) were pregnant. And it's so nice that you named your child after my pet rabbit. That's really sweet. Matt  

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