Best Damned Marriage Ending PERIOD!
0 Comments Published by Chris on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 10:51 PM.

Tom Arnold's third marriage is coming to an end. He and wife Shelby Roos (whom he met at the 2000 Democratic National Convention) are filing separation papers. Man, if Tom can't make a go of it what chance do we mere mortals stand? I feel like filing for divorce out of solidarity. My wife said if I could come up with the $400 she'd sign because she cares about Tom and the sanctity of marriage THAT much!
What's interesting about Tom Arnold's marriages (other than the fact that they happened at all) is well...let me just run down the facts for you. He was married to Roseanne Barr from 1990 -1994, Julie Champnella from 1995-1999 and he's been with Ms. Roos since June of 2002.
Apparently Tom's marriages are on an election cycle. Everybody gets a four year term. Maybe one will get lucky and get a second term in office, but in the current political climate it doesn't look likely in the near future. In fairness to Shelby, she didn't stand a chance with the Republicans controlling both the House and the Senate.
Labels: Celebrity, Hollywood, Lost Post, Roseanne Barr, Tom Arnold
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