The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Sage Advice From A Reliable Source

I went to a movie with my friend Sarah last night. Afterwards we went for coffee near the theater. Sarah has been out of the country for the last 7 months and so it was good to catch up with her. I was reminded why I hang out with her in the first place.

Sarah: I went to this CRAZY religious wedding in Dubuque.

Chris: Those are ALWAYS fun!

Sarah: Yeah, if you like guilt.

Chris: And you know I do!

Sarah: The priest was giving his homily and he turned to the bride and groom and said, "Now after the wedding, after the party, after everyone has gone home and you find yourself alone with one another..."

Chris: What the hell? What does a priest know about being alone with a woman?

Sarah: It gets better. "I want you two to get down on your knees...."

Chris: Priests know all about that!

Sarah: "...and thank the lord for this." I thought, did he just tell them to thank God for sex?

Chris: Oh, one of them will be down on their knees for sure but I doubt if God really enters their mind.

Sarah: No, one of them will be mentioning God quite a bit, but not the other one.

Chris: Well, it's impolite to speak with your mouth full.

Say good night Gracie!

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1 Responses to “Sage Advice From A Reliable Source”

  1. # Blogger Andrew

    I pray before every act of love making. Much like I go to church every Christmas and Easter. Luckily enough they happen about the same frequence.  

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