The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Escape From L.A.

So here's the flip side of that Rob Schneider story from the other day, after a long and considered deliberation "actor" Patrick Swayze has come down on the side of newly minted alcoholic anti-Semite Mel Gibson. I guess we can officially state what is patently obvious to everyone with passing interest in this debacle: Patrick Swayze's career is worse off than Rob Schneider's.

If you're Mel Gibson though, I don't know what feels worse: having Patrick Swayze defend your anti-Jewish tirade, or having Rob Schneider berate you. That's like choosing between a poke in the eye and a kick in the crotch.

Just to keep it clear, if you're keeping score at home that's Patrick "To Wong Foo" Swayze FOR Mel Gibson and Rob "Male Gigolo" Schneider AGAINST Mel Gibson. You'll wanna start a flow chart of some kind. Just so you can keep the sides straight when the full scale Civil War breaks out in Hollywood.

"The Anti-Gibson Militia has holed up in the Griffith Park Observatory where they're looking to make a stand against the Anti-Jewish insurgents who have taken control of the high ground around the Hollywood sign. The Anti-Gibson Militia fired off an early-morning barrage of press releases that went unanswered for many hours. Pentagon officials believe that the insurgents are preparing to launch a massive charm offensive on the unwitting press for the hearts and minds of middle America. Both sides have ignored the Pope's repeated calls for peace. The insurgents, speaking through producer and front man Dean Devlin, say they will not rest until Gibson is given a 5 picture deal with final cut approval and the creative freedom to make all the bigoted slurs he wants!"

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1 Responses to “Escape From L.A.”

  1. # Blogger Wendy

    I just found it very strange that the Swayze was friends with 'The Man Without a Face'.

    Nobody puts Mel in the corner!  

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