The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Brave New World

Before you ask, let me assure you that this picture has not been doctored in any way. This is an actual iPod accessory called the iCarta. It features four waterproof speakers and an "integrated toilet tissue holder." According to the official sales pitch the iCarta, "makes it easier for people to listen to tunes from an iPod while using the bathroom."

Now aside from the obvious naming problem (Sadly iPoo was already taken by a GPS toilet locator. I shit you not!) don't you think that people who need to be in the bathroom long enough to hear all of The Beatles White Album have bigger problems than their speaker's fidelity?

1 Responses to “Brave New World”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If the speakers are waterproof, I'm wondering what the hell is going to happen to the toilet paper when IT gets wet.

    And really... is it THAT hard to take your iPod to the toity?

    Is this gadget supposed to be portable?

    I can't believe this is how people spend their money. As opposed to feeding the hungry or buying a fucking clue.  

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