The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Great Expectations

The other day I saw this little girl with a tee shirt that had her elementary school crest on it. Above the crest and were the words, "Elementary School Council." I guess it's never too early to introduce your children to the boredom of parliamentary procedure and horrors of light typing and filing.

I'd love to see that agenda.

"I call this meeting to order. First order of business, Billy? We've noticed that the paste we ordered a month ago is still not been shipped. I don't care if it's been back ordered. The fact is there are first-graders going hungry Billy and if we don't act fast we'll have a mutiny on our hands. Can't we get them some glue sticks to munch on in the meantime?"

It's all about expectations I suppose. Most people grow up wanting to be a doctor or a lawyer or dragon...well, maybe not a lawyer. But no one ever dreams of a life as a low level functionary. No one strives for middle management. Nobody sets out to become an appointment-setter. But now they can. And the Elementary School Council is the best way to start down that path.

The sooner they get used to spending 40 hours a week chained to a desk churning out brilliant ideas for people who are too stupid to recognize them, the less disappointed they will be with how their lives inevitably turn out.

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