The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Exile on Sacramento Avenue

Editor's note: Over the last few weeks I have been updating the blog VERY sporadically. That was due to many factors. Not the least of which were moving to a new place, traveling back to Des Moines for the Iowa Fringe Festival and not having an internet connection at home for a week or two. What follows are the highlights from my somewhat self-imposed "vacation."
I am back from the online wilderness. AT&T finally came through for us. We now have a DSL connection at home, and a full three weeks before Comcast would have. Gawd I missed the infoweb. It was hard for me to pack the computer when we moved, like pulling the plug on a loved one. But without the inheritance.
Today is the first day in a week that it has been under 100 degrees Fahrenheit. I hate it. I've been drinking and drinking and drinking all week and I think I've gone to the bathroom twice. I'm really looking forward to it...I'm not sure what that says about me as a person, but I'm certain it ain't good.
Jen and I are slowly adjusting to our new place. We moved from a studio into a three bedroom apartment. I've actually been lost in our new place a few times. It's nothing a trail of bread crumbs won't fix. It's actually a nice problem to have. In our old place the only room with a door on it was the bathroom. By the end of our time there I was taking four showers a day just for the privacy. I think I washed off my fingerprints.
Things I learned at the Iowa Fringe Festival (in no particular order):
-If you don't give the audience scenery you should at least give them free cookies
-Anyone dressed like an animal in public should be treated like one, no questions asked
-These guys can really put on a great show, with or without me
-Boobs are a good selling point for a show, put them on your posters...even if you're doing the Miracle Worker! ESPECIALLY if you're doing the Miracle Worker.
-We all like soda
Movers are worth whatever you have to pay for them. Especially if you are a total candyass about the heat like I am. (See the above entry on urination)

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1 Responses to “Exile on Sacramento Avenue”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I've been drinking and drinking and drinking all week...

    I hope you realize that you're supposed to be drinking WATER, right?


    Just checking.  

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